My English/Latin for your Hindi!

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Hello, I'm an American looking for a Hindi-speaking penpal to exchange emails with. I'm a native English speaker but have also been trained thoroughly in Latin, if you're interested in learning that. I know Hindi roughly on a conversational level, I just need regular practice to force myself to expand my vocabulary and develop proficiency. 

Please message me if you're interested, as I don't want to put my email out in public :)


swapnil_duke profile picture swapnil_dukeMarch 2014
I would like to help with your hindi
001Manav profile picture 001ManavNovember 2012
Hello I am interested in Latin and I will be happy to help you in expanding your Hindi vocabulary. 001Manav001Manav profile picture
itwasnoteasy profile picture itwasnoteasyAugust 2013

I have posted some lessons on youtube.

It has basic phrases like:

What's up?, I understand little hindi, Can you speak slowly, I am hungry, I want to drink etc.


Let me know if you need more help.