0% GOOD (2 votes)Odgovori
hi, what services do you use to write student papers?


__Viktoria__ profile picture __Viktoria__June 2023
I would use Word and a citation software like Citavi so you don’t have to cite manually
  • AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgMay 2023
    It’s usually clear to any competent teacher whether a student has written the work himself or not.

    Even the stuff written using generative AI such as chatGPT is easily determined.
AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgMay 2023
For those who want to cheat by handing in essays which are not your own work. These scammers are probably just putting in a query into ChatGPT and generating your ”academic paper” like that...
CameronHayes2 profile picture CameronHayes24 prije tjedana
For student papers, especially when dealing with complex topics like computer science, it’s crucial to use a service that not only provides quality content but also understands the technical depth required. I’ve found great help with , particularly for computer science projects. Their experts grasp the coding and theoretical parts, which ensures the assignments are not just completed but done with an understanding that might even exceed your course requirements. Worth checking out if you need reliable support in your studies!
GeraldWhite profile picture GeraldWhiteFebruary 2024
Finding reliable services to write student papers is crucial, and platforms like at offer professional assistance. With a team of expert writers, Edubirdie ensures quality and timely delivery, providing a valuable resource for students managing academic workloads. For those seeking convenience and expert guidance in assignment completion, Edubirdie’s services cater to a range of academic needs.
  • AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgMay 2023
    The reviews of these sites are also written by the scammers themselves. They want to scam people out of money for effectively doing no work.

    These sites are for people who want to scam - the scammers who provide the texts and the students who want to cheat their way towards passing a course without putting in the time to do the work so as to attain the skills that a pass in that subject should represent....