Tv Series!

100% GOOD (1 votes)

Ehi there! Anyone obsessed with tv series like Doctor Who, Sherlock or Supernatural?? I'm not talking only with English people, also with people all over the world who would like to improve their english with a motivated subject! Com'on I know you're out there!


TrisJam profile picture TrisJamMarch 2015
Totally interested in ! I can help you in french ! What do u say ?
SUPPORTER_D profile picture SUPPORTER_DJanuary 2014
Are you fan of Sherlock Holmes from BBC?As for me, I like this serial!
AL12 profile picture AL12January 2014
Well, I'm a big fan of anime if that counts!

I use to spend hours watching shows like Death Note, Gundam Seed and Darker than Black.

It was interesting to say the least