
Text from BERTRANDRUSSELL - English

    • Homage to Edison

    • Article for C2: the best invention after the wheel Which one or ones would be considered to be as the next breaktrough to improve the humankind´s way of life?
  • Most of us would answer the light bulb without any hesitation.
  • There are many reasons to believe that.
    • Although it is still not clear if it is due to Edison´s or Tesla´s gift or maybe both.
    • The first bore witness how his mother died because a lack in ilumination during a night surgery operation.
    • I assume that similar problems have threatened human beings through their history.
    • Not only when it comes to care assistance but on a daily basis light has allowed people to enjoy life and to struggle working during the night shift, consequentily light has contributed to develop the modern industrial standard life that some countries have achieved.
    • In addition, winter nights can be stand/ put up with in a softer way, above all in Northern and Southern countries.
    • Is thre any drawback?
    • I can see how my dear readers, unless some of them, move thir heads affirmatively while asking: what about the romantic point of view?
    • I mean, once upon a time when humanbeings could enjoy the starred nights, source of inspiration for many poets.
    • Where are those skies over our highly populated cities?
    • Thankfully, there is always a hope, every other time we can run away to the countryside or maybe another invention could end up quitting us the pleasure of the old days.