Polyglot Board Games - Saturday Afternoon - Secret Santa



  • vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2022
    bonjour, il y aura une interruption en août (bar fermé), nous vous tenons au courant sur cette page
Carlavie85 profile picture Carlavie85June 2022

I would love to play some games with different language-speaking people around the world. So thats how we can meet with them and get to know each other about the game and cluster though Also, I am learning about how to play slot machines through online website's artilce which is helping me alot ot understand that game better.

Alan_17 profile picture Alan_17June 2022
It’s okay if I speak only French (my native language) and English that I learn ? Can I participate ?
fb_1652632589 profile picture fb_1652632589May 2022

Hi would anyone be interested in a game of carcossone? i have a number of the expansions as well

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2022
à tout à l’heure. See you this afternoon !
vincent profile picture vincentApril 2022

Dear polyglots in Paris area,

If you want to practice ANY LANGUAGE (written or spoken) for free, join the official Discord server ”Polyglot Club Paris”. This server is specially dedicated to members of the Paris region and Ile de France. Once in the main lobby, join a LANGUAGE room (text or voice chat).

Connect to Chat Server: https://polyglotclub.com/chat

Best, The Polyglot Club Paris team